Desk Studies & Reports
WildOcean is proficient in conducting desk studies and scoping for EIAs, preparation of chapters and data for EIAs, critical review and accuracy checking of reports, and regulatory compliance checking for mitigation proposals.
Desk Studies & Scoping Reports
WildOcean is experienced in the preparation of scoping reports, literature reviews and other desk studies. With an in depth knowledge of the current literature, regulatory requirements and issues we can prepare an comprehensive review of any issue and scoping report for any planned activity or development. We also provide expert advice, consultancy and reporting on mammal related topics.
Environmental Impact Assessment / Appropriate Assessment
WildOcean is proficient in the preparation of chapters on marine and terrestrial mammals for EIAs and AAs. With our preferred partners at the Irish Whale and Dolphin Group, we can prepare up to date maps of cetacean distribution and relative abundance for Irish waters as well as sourcing third party data. With an in depth knowledge of the current regulatory requirements and potential impacts from activites and developments on protected species, we can prepare an comprehensive review of current knowledge, regulatory requirements and best practice and can propose a mitigation plan which meets all regulatory and best practice requirements.
Review of Accuracy and Compliance
WildOcean can provide expert review of the accuracy of Scoping Reports, EIAs, AAs and other reports, particularily where applying generalised text and recommendations to a local context. We can also check your proposed mitigation proceedures to ensure that they are compliant with the latest Irish regulatory requirements.
Joint Irish Cetacean Database Scoping Study for NBDC, Ireland
Coming Soon!
Assessment of impact of dredge spoil dumping on cetaceans, Co. Cork
Coming Soon!
Preparation of Sperm Whale jaw bone for Sligo County Council Heritage Department
Coming Soon!
Expert Opinion and Consultancy
WildOcean can provide expert opinion on marine and terrestrial mammal related issues. We also undertake consultancy on a wide range of mammal related issues with past consultancy including review and cataloging of musuem collections, preparation of marine mammal skeletal material, preparation of material for exhibitions, talks, guided wildlife tours and whalewatching.
Email: | Tel: 07771762355 (UK) or 0872977931 (IRL)