Marine Mammal Surveys
WildOcean is highly experienced in conducting both visual and acoustic surveys of marine mammals including line transect surveys, towed passive acoustic surveys and static acoustic monitoring.
Visual Surveys
WildOcean has 13 years experience in conducting line transect surveys and static point surveys for cetaceans, other marine mammals and megafauna. We ensure the collection of accurate and precise data, faciliated by expert identification of marine mammal and megafauna species. We ensure that data collected are compatible with the main European and worldwide survey data sets to facilitate comparison, combination and mapping of data collected. We can also advise on data analysis and mapping.
Towed Acoustic Surveys
WildOcean is experienced in conducting towed acoustic surveys for cetaceans. We can ensure that the passive acoustic monitoring array used is suitable for detecting the target species, is correctly set up and operated, and that high quality audio recordings are made during the surveys. We also conduct offline analysis of acoustic data to identify detections and the species/group involved.
Static Acoustic Monitoring
WildOcean is accomplished in the use of bottom mounted recorders (e.g. MARU), data loggers (e.g. CPOD) and surface moored static hydrophones. We have sucessfully deployed to depths of 2400m using freefall deployments of bottom mounted moorings and also surface buoyed moorings. WildOcean has also developed novel methods for analysing deepwater data from CPODs.
IWDG PReCAST and ISCOPE survey programmes 2006 - 2011, Irish EEZ
Coming Soon!
Deepwater beaked whale monitoring pilot study 2011, Rockall Trough, Ireland
Coming Soon!
Email: | Tel: 07771762355 (UK) or 0872977931 (IRL)